"Dejare que el tiempo cure todas las heridas, y aunque queme por dentro, se que voy a renacer"
A piece of a wonderful song by Alejandro Lerner that has inspired my tattoo, and my life. "I will let time heal all wounds, and although it burns inside, I will be born anew" (Rough translation, sorry Mr. Lerner!)
The phoenix bird. What an admirable animal. It dies and it rises from its own ashes. Learns from its mistakes. Stands up after a fall. Is born again after the all the pain.
Someone once told me "Give time the time it needs"
Impatience. Damn flaw that came with me when I was born.
Tired of waiting. Tired of staring at my watch. Tired of giving my time away and waiting for an answer that never seems to come.
"Give time the time it needs"
Today, I understand that time is human and therefore, imperfect. Time has its moment. I used to believe time could make mistakes, but now I understand that God has a perfect time for everything; that nothing is rushed, and nothing is delayed. It arrives precisely when it has to, although sometimes we don't have the patience to understand it.
Time has acted perfectly in the past. It acts in my present and will continue to act in my future, only for the best. But at its own rhythm. At its own time. My Lord's time.
God (or time, if you don't believe) told me today "Patience, the sweetest things are worth waiting for"
Looking for His Word, I bumped into this passage:
"Be patient, then, brothers, until the Lord's coming. See how the farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop and how patient he is for the autumn and spring rains. You too, be patient and stand firm, because the Lord's coming is near."
James 5:7-8
Today, I understand it.
Time: I've had so much pain in my life, and I have always questioned when you'd bring happiness into my life. I cursed your name while I waited and I even decided to hate you and to not wait anymore.
I understand now that it was simply not the time yet, and that you act in the way the hand of destiny, my Creator, has programmed you to act.
My Lord is wise, and it knows the perfect moment to tell the time that waiting time is over and that it's time to act.
And when my Lord told the time "It's time to act", it made me taste the sweetness of what I once hoped for and thought would never come to pass. I understood that time only does its job, and I forgave it.
So thank you time and my sweet Lord, for all the blessings I have in my life. For starting to make my dreams come true, one by one, and for whispering in my hear that everything I have done was worth it and that it is now my time to enjoy what I have so long waited for.
I know that there are still hundreds of things I will have to wait for.
I know as I type this, I am waiting.
I know there are wounds that are still wide open; that I have yet to forgive and be forgiven. That I have to grow, and let others grow.
But today I understand that I simply have to be patient and wait. Sit next to my personal mountain and take a deep breath, waiting for You to come and admiring the beauty that surrounds me every day.
Today, I give You all the time you need. I know that no matter how long I wait, You will visit me again; that you will whisper into my hear again, while I smell that sweet aroma that you always bring with the fresh breeze.
My Lord, Your Will be made.
(The painting is Salvador Dali's "The persistence of Memory", one of my favorite artworks, by one of my favorite painters)
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